Commands Documentation
Shows general status information about the bot like:
- Bot status (Operational/Disabled)
- Available clients
- Queues (per-region wait queue to start a match)
Creates a custom match
Required Options
Mode to host, can be one from the default options, an island code or a custom playlist ID
Zero Build - Solo
Region to use, anyone who wants to join the match must use the same region in game.
NA East
NA West
NA Central
Middle East
Depending of the bot usage, you may be put into a "wait queue".
This means all the clients for that specific region are in use and you need to wait until a client is no longer used.
As for v1.7.5 each region has 2 clients.
The custom matchmaking code to use. This is the key you use in game in order to use custom matchmaking.
Key Requirements:
- 4 to 16 characters long
- Contain numbers and letters
Valid keys example:
Invalid keys example:
If a key is used by someone else no one will be able to use the same key again after some time, this is to prevent matchmaking errors.
Also, you can't use the same key another user is using that given time. No matter the mode or region used.
If a key is allowed by Rem it doesn't mean its guaranteed to work.
We recommend you not use keys that contain words, ids or similar.
Automatically starts the match after the amount of minutes specified.
You must put the amount of time (in minutes) you want the match to automatically start
For example, an auto start in 4 minutes looks like this:
You will see the remaining time for it to start in the match message:
Unless you're a Premium user, auto start will only work if you set it to or below 5 minutes, anything above
that won't affect at all the match.
Otherwise, auto start can be set up to 30 minutes.
If auto start reaches it's time limit and no one is queued to the match it won't do anything. After this auto start will be disabled.
Allows you to use certain NetCL (a.k.a matchmake in older versions of the game)
Since there's only 2 versions that can matchmake using official servers, this option can only be set to:
Unless you are using Chapter 2 Season 3 you don't have to touch this option.
Honestly, I had no idea what to call this option so I named it exactly like the variable name I used lol
Allows you to set certain value in the bucket ID.
There's a number used in the bucket ID that allows matchmaking to match players who are on the same version
of the game (similar to net_cl
Unlike net_cl
this number tends to be changed with new updates (usually
, 2
or 3
For the freaky nerdies out there is this one:
If you can't join a created match and you're using the same Region & Custom Key this option must be manually set.
With 13.40, you maybe need to set this
Valid Options
If you select of the default modes most of the time you won't have to touch this either.
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